Childhood Immunizations

At CMO, we believe that all children should be fully vaccinated according to the AAP and CDC guidelines. If you have questions or concerns we are happy to discuss these with you.

On these pages you will find general information relevant to ALL or MOST vaccines, detailed information about specific vaccines available through our office, as well as the schedule by which vaccines are supposed to be given. These articles summarize what we feel are the important things you need to know. For some vaccines there are also fliers published by the CDC and/or the AAP – when these exist you are required to read them prior to signing for the vaccines, but we ask that you also read our materials as these will usually more thoroughly address common questions we are asked.

Click here for vaccine information for all age groups



CDC Immunization Schedule

Informative Resources for Vaccine Hesitant Parents

CDC: Conversations

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)

Immunization Action Coalition

Please Note: Immunization is an important policy of our practice and required of our pediatric patients. See our policy.


Adolescents and HPV

CDC: Preteens and Teen Vaccine Site

CDC HPV Vaccine Site